Soundproof Your Studio

Soundproof Your Studio

Hosted by: Wilson Harwood

I teach you how to build a soundproof studio. Even if you know nothing about soundproofing or construction I go in depth to turn you from a total beginner into a soundproofing master.

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How Do You Decouple Doors and Windows In A Double Wall System?

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: Many people have asked me how do you finish the gap between two doors or two windows in a double wall system without connecting the two walls....
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How To Avoid Ground Loops In Your Home Recording Studio

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: In this article I will go over proper ways to wire your home recording studio to avoid ground loops, which can cause noise in your audio...
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Acoustics For Youtube Studios

FREE Acoustic Treatment Guide: I talk a lot about home recording studios, but what about the acoustics of a home youtube creation studio. In this article I will go over...
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How To Soundproof Over Existing Walls, Ceilings and Floors

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: If you have followed me for some time you know I love to say you have to take it to the studs to properly soundproof a room. Now, while I...
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Do Not Use Green Glue To Soundproof

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: Yup, I said it. I am taking a stance on green glue and I do not use it in any of my studio designs. In this article I will make the argument...
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What is the Triple Leaf Effect In Soundproofing?

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: Over the years of teaching people about soundproofing there is one topic that causes the most fear and that is the dreaded Triple Leaf Effect....
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Should You Flush Mount “Soffit Mount” Your Monitor Speakers?

FREE Acoustic Treatment Guide: If you walk into any professional studio you will see large studio monitors built into the front wall. This is known as flush mounting and...
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WARNING - Diffusion Can Make Home Recording Worse

FREE Acoustic Treatment Guide:   Home recording studios are notoriously small in acoustic terms. These small rooms tend to have big problems with the low frequencies and...
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How To Install Soundproof Door Seals - Zero International 770AA and 367AA

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: This is a great podcast for those looking to install soundproof door seals. You will see what I did right...and what I did wrong and get my...
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Does My Studio Soundproof Drums?

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: This is a question someone in our community asked me on youtube. Well, I made a video to answer that exact question.  In this video I will go...
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How To Build A Pro Control Room - Part 2

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: This is part two of my series on Philip Newell's control room design. In this podcast I will go over the acoustic interior system. We will...
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Double Wall, Half Truth: Reaction Podcast

FREE Soundproofing Workshop: It's time for another reaction video, this time I am reacting to one of Acoustic Fields video's on the "half truth" of the double wall...
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