Is Soundproofing Worth It?

soundproofing soundproofing budget soundproofing cons soundproofing cost soundproofing pros Nov 07, 2022

Is soundproofing worth it? This is probably a question you have asked yourself many times. Well, in this article we will go over three reasons soundproofing is totally worth it and three reasons you might want to second guess if this is really for you. 


Why Soundproofing Is Worth It


1) You can work faster and with more ease

 Working in a soundproof studio has made it faster and easier for me to record. I remember when I worked out of a spare bedroom I would have to stop recording every time a truck drove by or a construction truck was backing up. Dogs barking, lawnmowers all would stop a session. Now I can record whenever I want and never have to stop. 

I also can focus while mixing with so much more ease, which leads to faster mixes and a higher hourly rate. I don't have sounds taking my attention away from the music and the joy of mixing in a soundproof room is something every mix engineer should experience. 

2) Clients Take You More Seriously

When a client walks into a soundproof studio they immediately take you more seriously. Say a client is thinking of working with you or the guy down the street in his basement studio. The guy down the street has a grungy feel and you can hear his roommates walking around upstairs. Now compare that to a professional beautifully designed home studio that is dead quiet. The client will choose the soundproof studio every-time. 


3) You Can Be As Loud As You Want Whenever You Want

 This is the main reason we want a soundproof studio, so we can be as loud as we want even at 4am. Yes, with a soundproof studio you can record drums in the middle of the night and not bother the neighbors You can blast your speakers and no one will know you are jamming out. It is an incredible thing and is totally worth it! 


Why Soundproofing Is Not Worth It

Now soundproofing might not be for you if you have the following issues:


1) You Don't Have The Budget

 Yes, soundproofing is expensive. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars. You certainly want to make sure you have enough money before endeavoring down this journey. To find out how much it costs check out our Soundproofing Budget Calculator.


2) You Want To Cut Corners

 If you want to take shortcuts while soundproofing think again. This is an all or nothing project. Imagine a fish bowl. Even a pin hole leak will eventually drain the bowl. Your room is no different. A small whole, a connected beam, or an improper wall design all could make your room fail as a soundproof studio. You must be willing to take the time to learn how to design your studio or hire someone for $100k who will do it for you. 


3) You Are Soundproofing In A Very Loud Environment

 Now don't get me wrong. Any room can be soundproof if you have enough mass and money thrown at it. Sometimes, though, it might be best to consider moving before you do that. If you live near a busy airport or a very loud intersection then the cost to remove all those sounds in your room may outweigh the cost of moving. This is for you to decide, but is an important factor in how badly you need a quiet room. 



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